May 30, 2009

::::: I have set up a picks reward, and here's how to claim it!

1 - teleport to my main store on the Journey sim
2 - open your profile and go to the "picks" tab
3 - click on "new" to create a new pick
4 - click "ok"
5 - wait 24-48 hours until the server can update the coding
6 - touch the picks reward board on the easel to the right of the tree in my main store to claim your reward!

I will regularly change the reward. Right now the reward is a Hope makeup in different skin tones. This makeup will NOT be for sale, it was made specially for the picks reward.
By keeping my store in your picks, you will always be the first to claim a new reward as soon as it comes out.

Having my store in your picks makes it easier for people to find my store, so you will be supporting me! Thank you!!

Hope picks reward

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