March 13, 2016

Iris for Skin Fair 2016

::::: Leave all your attachments at home folks, it's time for another Skin Fair!

My offering this year is Iris. No mesh parts required to turn into this pretty lady!
Two bonus mod shapes are included to look exactly like Iris in the ads, so it's not only a skin but an avatar package.

Iris is available in tones 0 to 7. Each tone pack includes base skins with different eyebrow colours, 5 eyemakeups on tattoo layers, 10 lipsticks on tattoo layers, 2 lipgloss tattoo layers, 2 additional cleavage options on tattoo layers and undershirt layers (these only work on the default avatar) and 2 bonus shapes.

Worth to note that the skin appliers for Maitreya, Slink and Belleza bodies are only included with Iris during the Skin Fair. Afterwards, appliers are available separately.

My stall is on sim 1, grab a taxi! (and get stuck in traffic...)