January 27, 2013

::::: My main store has a new home on the reopened Cupcakes sim! I'm in the process of redoing all my skins in softer, less saturated skintones and it's proving to be a more challenging endeavor than I had expected because of the sheer amount of textures to be uploaded and applied, not to mention SL's usual hickups, so I'll be adding more faces and tones as I go.

Available now are Bella, Sayuri, Claire and Helena in the first 3 skintones Pearl, Powder, and Petal. A lighter and a darker tone are on my list of things to do, as well as Lolas Tango appliers.
Helena is a new face previously featured in The Dressing Room, and some of you may remember Bella and Sayuri. After the last sim rebuild, they somehow didn't make a comeback. Requests for them kept coming, so I decided to bring them back, though slightly altered.

Included with each purchase are brown (default), blond or light, black and red brows on the skin, dimples version, subtle and boosted cleavage variations on undershirt and tattoo layers, nail concealer on glove layer, 30 lip tattoos (matte and glossy) and a bonus shape.
Free demos are available, so do try before you buy!
For those who ask, I take my vendor pictures in the AnaLu*studio*5 windlight setting.